Saturday, October 15, 2005


by Paul Hostovsky

Don't you love a good coup?
I don't mean the fascists
and generals with mustaches
who overthrow them on the
front page. I mean
David. Right here
in the Metro section
of today's Herald:
"Deaf-mute motorist
proves in traffic court
that the hand signals of the cop
at Commonwealth and Main
where the accident occurred
were ambiguous
from a linguistic point of view."
Deaf David. I love it.
Says here he had a
PhD from BU
in applied linguistics.
The undefeated held scoreless
by who-would-have-guessed-it,
underscoring once again
life's fundamental who-the-hell-knew.

Paul Hostovsky has recent work in Spoon River Poetry Review, Poet Lore, ByLine, Switched-on Gutenburg, New Delta Review, Alimentum, White Pelican Review, FRiGG among others. He works in Boston as an interpreter for the deaf.