Wednesday, January 25, 2006


by Anne G. Davies

Once Harriet Miers was flushed down the tubes
Cheney said: no more Texas rubes.
This time we'll choose a male Ivy Leaguer
Whose fervor for civil rights is meager.
Who thinks women must ask their husband's permission
To end even a dangerous pregnant condition.

He should work toward the gradual dilution
of privacy rights in the Constitution.
He'll believe access to contraceptives
Should be subject to government directives.

Sam Alito's a model of right-wing perfection
Conservative Republicans cheered his selection.
They know he'll take an unflinching standa
'Gainst the protections embodied in Miranda.
He's for hawking machine guns in public places
And the role of the vice squad in private spaces.
The rights of families, gays and minorities
Don't appear on his list of judicial priorities

In hearings he dodged leading questions
causing Democratic indigestions.
There's no doubt about his confirmation
Scalia and Thomas can't hide their elation.
They're all for greater executive power.
This could be the Supreme Court's finest hour!

He'll forge ahead and not be hesitant
To sweep away inconvenient precedent.
With this arch-conservative from Princeton and Yale
We know our kind of justice will always prevail.

Anne G. Davies is a fund-raising writer by profession and a writer and versifier by avocation. Her work has been published on local and regional papers. She lives in Lexington, Massachusetts. This poem is one of a series called Vitriolic Verses. Email Anne Davies.