Wednesday, January 04, 2006


by Robert M. Chute

In the world's major languages
there are five hundred fifty-eight consonants
two hundred sixty vowels
fifty-one diphthongs
which can form eight hundred sixty-nine phonemes
of which adult Americans use fifty-two
while the Kalahari speakers
use a record one hundred forty-one
so voice mail incepts to the Kalahari
collect in bins at NSA
suspicion untranslated moldering

Born near the Chute River, Naples, Maine in 1926, Robert M. Chute taught and conducted research at Middlebury College, San Fernando State (CA), and Lincoln University (PA) before returning to Maine as Chair of Biology at Bates College. Now Professor Emeritus of Biology, Bates College, Chute has a record of scientific publication in Parasitology, Hibernation Physiology, General Biology, and Environmental Studies. His poetry and collage poems appear in many journals including Ascent, Beloit Poetry Journal, BOMB, The Cape Rock, Cafe Review, The Literary Review, Texas Review. His poetry books include a three language reissue of Thirteen Moons in English, French, and Passamaquoddy (2002), and most recently, a three chapbook boxed set, Bent Offerings, from Sheltering Pines Press (2003). He is currently working on a series of poems based on reading scientific journals such as Nature and Science.