Friday, September 29, 2006


by Bill Costley

Lent 2007, Weyhe-Sudweyhe,
nr Bremen, norDeutschland


Recently-deposed SECDEF, Donald H. Rumsfeld
sought refuge in the chilly fields of norDeutschland
& wept to Deutsche Welle (TV) he’d "ever doubted
the deepest resources of the great German people"
as he knelt on the soil his Deutsche forbears tilled.

During the media build-up towards Gulf War 2,
he had promised to "punish treacherous Germany"
for not joining his war & was exposed by CBS-TV.

"I have not had a peaceful night's rest since then,"
Rumsfeld snarled. "In my heart I knew I was right;
in war, politics always kneels to highest necessity."

Hearing this deluded self-defense, many Germans
declared he now reminded them of Adolf Hitler.

"It is dreadful our cousin prosecuted such a war
against Iraq," said Karin Rumsfeld Cecere (59),
"We are now embarrassed to be related to him."

Her 85-yr-old mother Margerethe was incensed:
"We do not want to know him now he is deposed
American defense secretary. For God's own sake!
Did not he, himself, start this miserable war!?"

Bremen’s Rumsfelds welcomed him warmly
before the war; this time they insisted coldly
he crawl on his knees up to their brick house
in a public-housing project; then they silently
shared a cold, penitential Lenten sour-soup.

Bill Costley serves on the Steering Committee of the San Francisco chapter of the National Writers Union. Volume Two of his epic-in-progress The CHENI@D appears here on The New Verse News.