Wednesday, October 25, 2006


by Charles Frederickson

Age of Disillusionment remains overcast
With mushrooming clouds of DCeption
Tarnished silver linings pillowslip-up oversights
Stuffed shirt Same Old Sheet

Insecurity blanket smothering free expression
Bedlam of nail-biters nothing mattress
Democrazy quilt spread like humanure
Credibility unravels USurper honor frays

Dr. Charles Frederickson is a Swedish-American-Thai 4midable, 10acious, cre8ive 1derer who has wandered intrepidly through 206 countries, an original sketch and poem for each presented on This maverick uniquecorn is a member of World Poets Society, based in Greece, with 100+ poetry publication credits on 5 continents, such as: Ascent Aspirations, Auckland Poetry, Blind Man's Rainbow, Both Sides Now, Caveat Lector, Cordite Poetry Review, Dance to Death, Fullosia Press, Greatworks, Green Dove, Indite Circle, Language & Culture, Listen & Be Heard, Living Poets, Madpoetry, Melange, Newtopia, New Verse News, Planet Authority, Poetry Canada, Poetry of Scotland, Poets for Peace, Poetry Superhighway, Pyramid, Sz, Ya'Sou, and Ygdrasil.