Thursday, January 18, 2007


by Robert Emmett

“…so blow up your tv, throw away the papers…go out and find jesus, on your own…”
--John Prine

in the event we pull the nuclear trigger (again)
even if by proxy
not only rendering absurd the idea that such a thing is “unthinkable”
but actually proving it’s “doable”
and i say “we” noting there will be no more finely wrought distinction
among the peoples of the earth
except maybe by a smattering of obtuse dead-end bloggers
and a cabal of specious federalist society wackos
that the u.s. government and its people
are somehow mutually exclusive
or that there’s any lingering doubt
we r israel~israel r us in all things militaristic
(and really is there anything else these days, booby?)
given the imperative
of ruling fat cats everywhere
to protect (their) life, limb and property first
(and, say, wouldn’t that make a nifty new nationalistic motto: PROPERTY FIRST
with thunderbolt graphics and crossed swords and eagles and shit, huh?)
but keeping in mind universal pariah status
will be locked and loaded for, well, for however long
“forever” is going to last
and recognizing that schlepping off north
or south of zuh border vill be verboten, yah?
plus the inevitability of taking and hoarding
weeping and wailing, gnashing and rending
with endless rolling waves of gunplay in the streets
etc. etc.
must above all else remain civil, stay positive, solution-oriented
and remember the following
in precise order:


Robert Emmett is still trying to make a list and check it twice in the snowless woods of Michigan.