Sunday, March 18, 2007


by Chris Vierck


Joe said there's no uranium:
you're talking out your ass.
Dick got wind of it and said,
"Boys we got us a job to do;
go stab that man's
in the back!"

A scandal here, a scandal there,
we've got more scandals
than grandma's got cats!

Tell me, how does feel, Mr. Fibby?
tell me how does it feel, when Dick
buries the the blade in fast,
gives it a turn,
and makes you dance,
a puppet on a stick?


Ohhhh, tell me now, tell me true,
we've gotta support our troops:
shut your mouth you lovers
of Iraq!

We love our boys,
we adore our girls, we love them through and through...
just...never mind, the toxic mold
or the scurrying of fury little

A scandal here, a scandal there,
we've got more scandals
than Tony Snow's got facts!


Halliburton got our bucks
the US attorneys got the axe,
the whole country's got a wheel
stuck in the track...

Quick, somebody find the wizard!
Dick needs a heart that actually ticks;
Karl needs a soul, not oily black;
Scooter needs more memory
than yer average fish! And W,
our boy W, needs more
fodder boys to curtain
his bloody act.

Chris Vierck is a poet who lives and writes in North Carolina.