Sunday, May 20, 2007


by Charles Frederickson

Mother Universe grieving lost sons
        Eerie cries bewailing inconsolable sadness
                Dispirited global despondency thickly veiled
                        Outlandish hooded ghosts graceless saviors

        Wrathful demigods committing mortal sins
                Double talk gibberish forked tongues
                        Unanswered prayers divine intervention denials
                                Adverse kismet misfortune fatal kiss-off

                Netherworld impulses brotherhood of hate
                        Unholy outsiders bent on revenge
                                Twisted vines mourning glory shrivel
                                        Purple heart funnels trumpeting taps

        Hard to imagine why wherefores
                Mothers are supposed to outlive
                        Firstborn heir apparent survivor guilt
                                Sinking quicksand no footprints left

We all must learn how
        To love other people’s children as our
                As our own sharing commonplace
                                        Lonely planet
heartfelt compassion

Dr. Charles Frederickson is a Swedish-American-Thai pragmatic optimist, idealistic visionary and heretical believer who has wandered intrepidly through 206 countries, an original sketch and poem for each presented on This maverick e-gadfly is a member of World Poets Society, based in Greece, with 200+ poetry publication credits on 6 continents, such as: angelfire, Ascent Aspirations, Auckland Poetry, bc supernet, Blind Man’s Rainbow, Both Sides Now, Caveat Lector, Cordite Poetry Review, Dance to Death, Decanto, Eclipse, Flutter Magazine, Greatworks, Green Dove, Indite Circle, International Poet, Listen & Be Heard, Living Poets, Madpoetry, Melange, Newtopia, Planet Authority, Poetisphere, Poetry Canada, Poetry of Scotland, Poetry Stop, Poets for Peace, Poetry Superhighway, Pyramid, Sage of Consciousness, Stellar Showcase, Subtle Tea, Sz, The Smoking Poet, T-zero, Ya’Sou! Ygdrasil, Zafusy.