Monday, July 23, 2007

, . ; !

by Charles Frederickson


War is a dirty joke
        Rated X-ray abdominable belly guffaws
                Ononongoing pain in the colononon
                        V-Vertical smile crackup smug grin


Polyp Greek meaning many feet
        Stuffed up hokey-pokey okey-dokey orifices
                Shrunken heads out of sight
                        Mindless barium bury’em worry warts


Show & rectal CCC Catty-Cornered Colonoscopies
        Follow-up progNONONOsis misdiagnosed foul-ups
                Bottom-line nothing to laugh about
                        Then again neither is War


Dr. Charles Frederickson is a Swedish-American-Thai pragmatic optimist, idealistic visionary and heretical believer who has wandered intrepidly through 206 countries, an original sketch and poem for each presented on This maverick e-gadfly is a member of World Poets Society, based in Greece, with 200+ poetry publication credits on 6 continents, such as: angelfire, Ascent Aspirations, Auckland Poetry, bc supernet, Blind Man’s Rainbow, Both Sides Now, Caveat Lector, Cordite Poetry Review, Dance to Death, Decanto, Eclipse, Flutter Magazine, Greatworks, Green Dove, Indite Circle, International Poet, Listen & Be Heard, Living Poets, Madpoetry, Melange, Newtopia, Planet Authority, Poetisphere, Poetry Canada, Poetry of Scotland, Poetry Stop, Poets for Peace, Poetry Superhighway, Pyramid, Sage of Consciousness, Stellar Showcase, Subtle Tea, Sz, The Smoking Poet, T-zero, Ya’Sou! Ygdrasil, Zafusy.