Thursday, August 02, 2007


by Charles Frederickson

The MortgAge of Crisis unleashed
        Ripple effects across Pacific rim
                Sending FantAsian market panic waves
                        Drowned in losses capsizing trust

                        Default tremors felt around globe
Shaky infestments sinking ship bailouts
        On verge of edgy collapse
Wall Street quakes seismic cracks

Made in America dollar doldrums
        Turning greenback on unstable nightmares
                Grunge plunge lacking .common cents
                        Monopoly Chinese checkers lost marbles

                        Bravo newwworld pecking order
                Cocksure gambling clipped hedge bets
        Recycling chicken feed protecting assets
Cracked nest egg dirty yolk

Bulls and bears trading places
        Bondage dominated by corporated X-spurts
                Volatile stock market defaulty panic
                        Hiccoughs cure-all elixir censorry blips

                        Rising Status Quo Vadis downfall
                Crap shoot roll of indices
        Playing Euro-peon fantAsian American-can roulette
Cornered pawns squarely unbalanced Checkmate

Dr. Charles Frederickson is a Swedish-American-Thai No Holds Bard renowned for his foxy moxie and muckamuck pluck. This feisty e-gadfly is a member of World Poets Society, based in Greece, with 200+ poetry publication credits on 6 continents, which include: Above Ground Testing, Angelfire, Arabesques, Ascent Aspirations, Auckland Poetry, Blind Man’s Rainbow, Both Sides Now, Carillon, Caveat Lector, Cordite Poetry Review, Dance to Death, Decanto, Eclipse, Flutter Magazine, Fullosia Press, Gangway, Greatworks, Green Dove, Indite Circle, International Poet, Listen & Be Heard, Living Poets, Lunarosity, Madpoetry, Masque Publishing, Melange, MuseCrafters, Newtopia, Neon Highway, New Verse News, Planet Authority, Poetisphere, Poetry Canada, Poetry Cemetery, Poetry of Scotland, Poetry Stop, Poets for Peace, Poetry Superhighway, Pyramid, Sz, The Smoking Poet, Vintage, Ygdrasil, Ya’Sou! and Zafusy.