Friday, August 10, 2007


by Mary Saracino

In the Age of iMeMine
iMacs, iPhones, iPods infiltrate our lives,
our ears ring with the ubiquitous iMantra: “Me-me-me, what’s in it for me.”
Shell out $600 for iMmediate access,
a 24/7 WiFi-Fest, guaranteed to keep
you plugged-iN because iAm-so-important iCan’t ever miss
the latest iMusic, iVideos, iNews, iWeather, iCelebrity iNcarceration;
In a gotta-have-it world, it’s the latest drug of iChoice for
iMpulsive culture junkies.
It’s a crying iShame we can’t see
how we’ve traded our iSouls for an iMitation life;
iMagine the creative revolution that might ensue
if we had the courage to pull the iPlug.

Mary Saracino is a novelist, poet and memoir writer who lives in Denver, CO. Her most recent novel, The Singing of Swans, was a 2007 Lambda Literary Awards finalist. For more information visit or