Wednesday, September 12, 2007


by Charles Frederickson

I wanted to serve my
     Country but not like this
          Both first and last mission
               Impossible dreams loathsome nightmarish fears

I hoped to somehow make
     A difference true values markdown
          Immoral ethics dishonorable unbecoming conduct
               Good-for-nothing bad blood spilt regrets

I never thought – not really
     Daily life stifling dead-end impasse
          Stench of decaying human garbage
               Misdirected one-way alleys U-turns forbidden

I didn’t give my life
     Lost struggle to keep it
          Lame excuses leaning on crutches
               Uprightness kicked out from under

Dr. Charles Frederickson is a Swedish/American/Thai No Holds Bard who may be described as a Wired Weirdo, Independent Outsider or Wonkish Ex-spurt. This e-gadfly has wandered intrepidly through 206 countries, an original sketch and poem for each presented on A member of World Poets Society, based in Greece, his unique poetic style has been featured in more than 200 publications on 6 continents. A gallery of his artwork can be viewed at Ascent Aspirations and his “PoeArtry” word and image combos appear regularly as Planet Authority's Poem of the Day @