Tuesday, December 04, 2007


by Bill Costley

In a cheap hotel on lower Powell St.,
I boldly told my gerontologist-son:
Army-brat Tom Brokaw honored his
dad's generation as 'The Greatest', but
numerically, The Baby Boomers are;
as human life extends they’ll live longer
& everything will change systemically
thruout the linked systems of human life.
Reincarnation will be accepted as normal,
as checkers ceded to Chinese checkers,
chess from 2-D to 3-D, 4-D, 5-D, 6-D, etc.
Brokaw's semi-Greatest are currently dying
at the rate of 10K/day & in WW2 did w/out
choice. We will choose Living over Dying.

Bill Costley serves on the Steering Committee of the San Francisco chapter of the National Writers Union.