Tuesday, January 15, 2008


PoeArtry by Charles Frederickson and Saknarin Chinayote

Rivers no longer flow into
     Oceanic caldera boiling reduced to
          Simmer steam open sea evaporation
               Lid pried off plug yank

Seeping moisture slowly dried up
     Still life seascapes drained mercilessly
          Wave swells lay dying on
               Distant shores naked refuse exposed

No longer fit for habitation
     Swimming scuba diving breathless drowning
          Moving with vanishing ebb drift
               Windswept continents kept off balance

Detritus rained down upon decomposed
     Sunken graveyards spent cockleshells clutter
          Bittersweet rusty oasis eaten away
               Embedded clay fossils left behind

No creature as deadly as
     Spitfire raging sun’s relentless scorch
          Medieval alchemy cockeyed maritime portent
               Unfathomable geological omen empty forevermore

This Thaidings of Joy PoeArtry visualization was rendered in black & white by Dr. Charles Frederickson, with computer-generated coloration by Saknarin Chinayote. Their website features more than 500 original images and impressions, sketched and scribbled during travels to 206 countries on our fave planet.