Thursday, February 14, 2008


by George Held

Millions Buy Valentine Gifts For Themselves.
—Reuters, Feb. 5, 2008

“Will you be my Valentine, my love?”
I asked my image in the mirror.
“No one could ever make me feel dearer
Than you who fit me like a glove.
The dozen red roses I bought you glow
With the passion I feel for you,
Mon semblable, mon frère, mon amour.
Others so fail to meet my needs, you know.
When I do deign to date another,
I always pick someone who looks like me.
But on this special day, I want no other,
Just to be with me myself and me.
I am so loveable I want to be alone,
To toast myself, to gift myself, to moan.”

George Held has previously contributed to The New Verse News. His latest poetry collection is The Art of Writing and Others (, 2007).