Monday, March 24, 2008


by Amy Holman

What shall we do with the man
whose legs were severed
by the wing of the airplane he leapt from
when we learn his name was Wing III?
He took to the air for stunts
and was stunted? Why not continue
under a wing of inspiration, word granting him
a lighter set of bones? This came late
the same news day as the chimp
at the German zoo forced to cough up
his smokes, and days prior to Denise Coke
getting arrested for possession of coke.
Most news repeats itself, depletes itself, and then,
the awful and absurd threaten to land,
like the agile, agonized flyer in his parachute,
letting himself down.

Amy Holman has been playing around with current news and/or headlines for a couple of years, here and there, including publications in Failbetter, Archaeology (online), Unpleasant Event Schedule, Rattapallax, Shade, and soon, on the Red Morning Press web site. She is the author of Wait For Me, I'm Gone, which won the 2004 Dream Horse Press annual chapbook prize. She writes poetry, fiction and nonfiction and work freelance as a Literary Consultant out of her tiny apartment in Carroll Gardens, Brooklyn.