Tuesday, March 18, 2008


by George Held

The UN Environment Program said glaciers were among the clearest indicators of global warming: "There are many canaries emerging in the climate change coal mine. The glaciers are perhaps among those making the most noise," said the head of UNEP. —Reuters, March 16, 2008

Melting glaciers are the fainting canaries
Of global warming. Both warn of peril

But while miners flee the cave,
The industrial world persists

In prodigal use of energy
That produces greenhouse gases.

Leaders fiddle while Earth warms.
Lack of political will opens the floodgates

Of glacial melt, and sea levels rise.
The best ecologists lack all persuasion,

While the worst polluters are full of beans.
Lethal methane gas in mines

Kills fast, while glacial melting
Slowly floods the lowlands

And drowns deltas and lowlanders
Without means to reach the highlands.

While the canary faints, then dies
Without a cheep, glaciers break

Apart with thunderous roars
And earsplitting cracks, if anyone

Is there to hear them. Meanwhile,
Human beings turn deaf ears and blind eyes

To glacial signs of catastrophe,
Like miners who ignore a dead canary.

George Held has previously contributed to The New Verse News. His latest poetry collection is The Art of Writing and Others (http://www.finishinglinepress.com/, 2007).