Sunday, March 09, 2008


by Levi Wagenmaker

once read are waste
and dutifully added to the contents
of a cardboard box's collection
of previous paper days
to be recycled
headlines columns junkmail flyers
all heading for the melting-pot
history doesn't repeat itself
history gets recycled
the greedy will once more be greedy
the poor will still be poor if poorer
rain will fall dogs will bark the earth
goes round and round
Mao's little red book
Muammar al-Gaddafi's little green one
just like (formerly) the latter's committees
the Ferris-wheels of recycling
are ubiquitous
everyone everywhere
is old news

Levi Wagenmaker: born in 1944, a retired journalist, resident in the Netherlands. Other poems have been published on the web and in print magazines, in (among others, and most recently) Poems Niederngasse.