Sunday, April 27, 2008


PoeArtry by Charles Frederickson & Saknarin Chinayote

Gutter politricks lovers’ lane off-limits

Aiming to go all the

Way with nothing but strikes

Maplewood floorboard slivers resurfaced urethane

Iraqi road handicaps compensating scratch

Imperfect game plan bowled over-and-out

No OK/KO exit strategy rated-X

Tenpins down for the count

Kingpin George Bush-league Captain Warvel

Crooked hook missing 1-3 pocket

Leaving snake eyes 7-10 split

Mission Accomplished impossible sparely inconvertible

Callused thumb approaching preset frame-up

Tripping over two left feet

Angled spin landing in moat

Dead man’s float sunken hopelessness

Double-crossed betrayal keglers targeting darts

Steamy pressure cooker dropping ball

Stubbed toe swelling McCain painkiller

Alley allies crying Uncle Sam

No Holds Bard Charles Frederickson and coloraturartist Saknarin Chinayote edit AvantGardeTimes, a cosmopolitan, sharp cutting edge PoeArtryZine.
