Tuesday, June 17, 2008


by Deborah Vatcher

ballistic the cosmos this dream
comet flaming sun energy crashes headfirst
into Mars its tail smoking disabled and spent
on the iraqinvasion.com
     perplexed no hypertext to link to only
a domain name for sale
what etymology
—did Cicero Latinize veriloquium
the tangled words
roots to the visible
depending on the sun’s angle
that casts opposing shades of truth
did some untie sense too late
     with boots on the ground
elements dig into the archeology of meaning
reports and Senate committees dispute
published memoirs also refute what
distortions bent bulletproof facts to fit policy
linking Saddam to Al-Qaeda to 9/11
spinning the sun around the Earth and the moon

Deborah Vatcher is a physician whose practice is currently on hold due to illness. Her poems have appeared in various journals including The Sow's Ear Poetry Review, Rio Grande Review, Fetishes, and the online journals Best Poem, and Flutter. Her first collection of poems is titled Attic Clean Out.