Tuesday, July 22, 2008


by Fred Schraff

The New Yorker magazine
lampooned on its cover
an Obama Oval Office
in which the worst fears
of the far-right were depicted.

Their satiric intent misfired a bit
wounding the wrong party
and in doing so
gave focus to a mental picture
previously confined in like-minds.

The magazine explaining
what they tried to do
claims the insults unintentional
(yeah, right!)
and misinterpreted.

Such an explanation resembles
an alibi by manufacturers
of the yard game “cornhole”
that no prior thought was given
to the word’s original meaning.

Fred Schraff lives in Cleveland, Ohio, where he was born. He holds BS and MS degrees in electrical engineering. He currently works as a design engineer in an electronic company and writes poetry for relaxation.