Saturday, July 26, 2008


by Kathryn Jacobs

The Phoenix Martian Lander thinks he’s “awesome.”*
The Phoenix Martian Lander’s also bored.
And given all that red-brown Martian nothing,
It’s hard to blame the Phoenix Martian, much.

Our new-made Martian therefore stops to Twitter;
Which keeps our newbie Earthlings up to date.
And in between his tweetings on the Twitter,
we all get close-ups of his Martian feet.

The P.M.L’s a little self-admiring,
what with his metal digits and his scoop.
but he’s allowed to twitter while he’s working --
and anyway, we think he’s kinda cute.

Kathryn Jacobs is a poet and medievalist from Harvard with a book of poetry, Advice Column, appearing at Finishing Line Press in November and an e-chapbook, The Boy Who Loved Pigeons, sponsored by Poetry Midwest, appearing in the next few weeks. Her poetry has appeared recently in New Formalist, Measure, Washington Literary Review, Acumen (UK), Pulse, Slant, Candelabrum (UK), DeCanto, Quantum Leap (UK), Mezzo Cammin, Deronda Review, The Same, Contemporary Rhyme, Ship of Fools, Eclectic Muse, Barefoot Muse, Mobius, Chimaera, Toasted Cheese, 14 by 14, Wordgathering, The Interpreter’s House (UK), and Road Not Taken. She has also published a scholarly book on literary marriage contracts in the Middle Ages and Renaissance (University Press of Florida) and sixteen articles. Jacobs has two daughters; her son Ray died at the age of 18 in 2005.