Monday, August 18, 2008


by Jo Barbara Taylor

2007 was a bad year for bees.
They abandoned ancient hives to disappear
in the wind, it seemed, to change
ecosystems—perhaps forever—
and the price of honey skyrocketed
in the economics of supply and demand.

But the bees were convening in a secret
summit conference, and on the agenda:

* drilling for new hives
* updating outdated refining combs
* controlling the flow of honey

! Do not tamper with the bees,
   they can sting you where it hurts.

Jo Barbara Taylor lives in North Carolina, but is an Indiana farm girl at heart. Her poems and academic writing have appeared in Resolution: Women’s Words, Mount Olive Review, and Beacon and will soon appear in Ibbetson Street. She edits the newsletter for the North Carolina Poetry Society.