Friday, September 26, 2008


by Scot Siegel

"After decades of investigation, scientists are still unable to explain why no part of the brain seems responsible for storing memories."
-- The Epoch Times 8/28/08

Before decades of memory
the brain was responsible
for investigating scientists
who, until recently, stored
more than a weak curiosity
hampered by a right-wing
ban on stem-cell research...

After centuries of waiting,
the best minds have atrophied;
malnourished, they've clammed-up --
Meanwhile, intelligent life orbits
Washington, as we watch in a stupor
And the human race
     plods on...

Scot Siegel is an urban planner and poet from Lake Oswego, Oregon, where he serves on the Lake Oswego City Planning Commission and the Board of Trustees for the Friends of William Stafford. His first full-length poetry collection Some Weather is forthcoming from Plain View Press in 2009.