Monday, April 27, 2009

401 OK - OCTOBER 22, 2008

by Tyrone Nagai

Whether insurrection or the other,
I bought bonds before 9/11’s crash,
six days before stocks started to sputter,
for I was reacting to market math.
The Dow was teetering below ten thou,
and I wanted to lock in my profits.
So fast a bull becomes a "holy cow,"
yet I was shielded from heavy losses.

But that was nothing compared to this month.
Seven years of growth evaporated
by risky subprime loans and credit crunch.
My stock broker looked exasperated;
asked what I want if not to retire.
A living wage for all workers hired.

Tyrone Nagai is pursuing his MFA at San Diego State University. He is also associate editor of Fiction International.