Friday, April 03, 2009


by David M. Laws

So let me see if I understand what’s happening:
we worked our asses off for months and months,
sent in our ten bucks each, used our rollover
minutes calling voters in Ohio and Florida , wrote
letters to the editor, and sweated bullets to get
your ass elected, so you could appoint
all the discredited advisers of your opponents?

And yes, I understand they work for you
and you set the agenda, but my impression
was that you had ALL NEW ideas and
ALL NEW talent and ALL NEW people.

I mean if we had wanted the Clintons and their baggage,
we could have voted for her, and if we had wanted
leftovers from eight years of Bush’s crime
and incompetence and degredation we could have voted
for Grampy and the wicked witch of the Great White North.
So I’m left thinking, what IS this?

OK, man you’re the boss, and you say you can control
all these near-nazis, free market pirates, and neobuffoons,
but all I’ve got to say is this had better be




David M. Laws graduated in 2005 from Western Washington University with a degree in English—Creative Writing Emphasis, and his writing has appeared in The Seattle Times, The Seattle Post-Intelligencer, Whatcom Watch, TechniCom, and Noisy Water Review. A former editor-in-chief of Jeopardy, WWU’s undergraduate literary journal, he enjoys gardening, writing, magic, history, model railroading, Uncle Scrooge comics, hiking, and irritating conservatives. He is self-employed in the musical instrument repair business, and lives in Bellingham with his wife Judith and Lucky the Wonder Dog.