Sunday, June 07, 2009


by Andrew Hilbert

i'll tell you what he'd do
he'd stand in the middle
of two adults
and tell them no
out of spite
because he's not allowed
to get married
being the son of god and all
so why should you?

i don't know.
i don't see him doing that.

but i see his followers doing it
every god-damned day.

love your neighbor
so long as you live
in south orange county
and all of your neighbors
are white, rich, and christian.
if they had white picket fences
out here, your neighbors would
have them.

love your neighbor.
of course, if you don't agree
with them then it's okay
to march in the street
and wear signs proclaiming
how much god hates them
the same god that created them
the same god that is love
the same god you bow down to
and proclaim your own greatness
at him

you are the prophet that is loved
in his own home town.
that is not a prophet.

Andrew Hilbert has a degree in History at Cal State Long Beach and lives in Orange County, California.