Wednesday, March 17, 2010


by Andrew Hilbert

they'll get the votes
when they get the votes
it's only a matter of time
until they get the votes
they'll soon realize, i hope
that it's too late
to argue over language
in a law
while kids already breathing
and playing
and laughing
and smiling
are told that mommy and daddy
are too poor to keep
any of them alive
and the country they pledge allegiance
refuses allegiance to them

they'll get the votes
when they get the votes
soon, i hope
some kids can't wait

kucinich will posture and make his stand
at the risk of ruining everything
stupak will posture and make his stand
at the risk of ruining everything
and maybe the country'll go bankrupt

from the way these assholes talk,
it already is.

Andrew Hilbert has a degree in History at Cal State Long Beach and lives in Orange County, California.