Monday, March 01, 2010


by Jill J. Lange

Consider small six-pointed lace-star
of frozen water vapor--

Consider the magic
children watch for each autumn,
the white dots in crayon drawings of winter,
the cut-out icons on school windows.

Consider snowflakes as social entities
flocking together to fall heavy and deep
when they are ready.

Consider February,
snowfall recorded in 49 states.

Consider havoc in Washington, DC
and on most of the eastern coast,
double removal costs for municipalities
with already depleted budgets.

Consider the time, Vancouver, BC
winter games to postpone, nearly cancel
due to 47 degree temperatures,
snow banks melting faster
than truckloads of the precious cargo
can replace.

Consider snow catastrophes--
the willful act of God,
a wicked tantrum of Mother Nature.

Consider total neglect of a certain species
so self-involved it cannot see
the ripple results of a butterfly dying
on the other side of the world.

Consider the tea party members
who abhor Al Gore
and congratulate themselves
on, of course, being right.

Jill J. Lange, is an attorney, poet, and environmental activist. Her poems reflect her deep connection to the natural world and have appeared in The New Verse News previously.