Monday, May 17, 2010


by George Held

The dark minds of the republic
curdle for fear Elena Kagan is gay.
Who cares how strong her intellect,
but what if she swings “that way”?

Fifty and unwed, trouser clad,
she irritates like a ripe boil
on the red necks of the pure products
of American fundamentalism.

They love their country right or wrong
but not straight or gay. Homos, take note:
“Don’t ask, don’t tell” is military,
not judicial. No Southern senator

will ask the nominee her sexuality
and she will never tell him; she
could die in battle, her lips sealed
and her preference unrevealed,

but to serve on the highest Court,
she must seem hetero whatever
the case: for her to be confirmed,
her deepest self must stay unconfirmed.

George Held has collected many of his New Verse News poems in The News Today.