Monday, June 21, 2010


            “coined” by John Michael Greer

by Catherine McGuire

You know it by the smell – rotten,
every penny – lurching
from deal to deal. Undead money
wants only to destroy.

No point in asking why – zombies
have no logic. Brainless,
it drags down the living, grabs
every reachable buck, crams them
into its unsatiable maw.

Undead money creates nothing
leaves the stench of decay behind –
every closed deal a dead business,
a failing bank, an empty town.

There are zombies among us – not hard
to spot. They refuse to die,
they “turn” the living; hate the productive act.
You can’t reform the undead.
Stake ‘em.

Catherine McGuire is a writer and artist with more than 120 poems published in venues such as The New Verse News, The Cape Rock, Green Fuse, The Quizzical Chair Anthology, The Smoking Poet, Portland Lights Anthology, Folio, Tapjoe and Adagio.