Sunday, August 08, 2010


by Andrew Hilbert

we were two costco employees
bullshitting about nothing to pass the time
to drown out the buzzing beeping
of the machines we worked that drowned
down the sound of our own minds

and of course we talked about videogames
bragging of our virtual slaughterhouses
on our murder simulators
we were proud of our kill/death ratio

an older lady glared at us
she had patches of hair on her chin
and she says
"videogames are the downfall of western
she felt righteous and walked herself out

she didn't say goodbye

i didn't say have a nice day

i became silent and thought about
the downfall of western civilzation
i thought about hiroshima
i thought about nagasaki
i thought about auschwitz
and buchenwald, gulags, abu ghraib
and napalm

i couldn't put a beginning to the end
of western civilization
and every day was potentially a new

Andrew Hilbert lives and works in Orange County. He also edits Beggars & Cheeseburgers magazine.