Tuesday, September 14, 2010


by Donna Hilbert

Summer, I give up on you.
I roast the last batch
of home-grown tomatoes
with garlic, oil and a pepper or two,
move my long-sleeved T-shirts
to the top of the stack,
put my swimsuit away in a drawer.
Now, the hair on my legs will grow long,
unnoticed, under my tights.
It is still one week till autumn’s
official, but summer’s gone—
it’s damp now and cool.
What I long for:  a box of pencils,
48 crayons, a new dress for school.

Donna Hilbert’s latest book is The Green Season, from World Parade Books.  She is the subject of the documentary Grief Becomes Me: A Love Story, by director Christine Fugate.
