Saturday, September 18, 2010


by Carolyn Stoloff

just keep on talking---fast
and as loud as you can
over the newscasters

with your hooked finger
in a cup’s ear

        councils consider taking steps---
        a cease-fire         
        like freeze on a puddle
        broken by a heel

       handshake-bridges split

        most wrung hands,
        pegged up to dry, hang
        but some flap gaily
        in spite   like flags
        orphans usurp
        each other’s blankets
        and ragged bears

        by the red glare    
        you would see (were you there)
        limbs pop off   in air


        collected in buckets
        for the next of kin

       there’s blood on the ground
       how can you tell?
       the form in the middle

       roads explode    
       open graves

       what’s left?     sand;
       heat    fishbone trees
some can  (can we?)
store raw-flesh war
in a secret drawer

with tsunamis
and the earthquake
Carolyn Stoloff makes collages and poems in New York City.  She loves animals, trees and some people. Her books may be found on Amazon,  if you are interested.
