Friday, December 03, 2010


by Catherine McGuire

As the implacable iceberg of debt
rips industrialization into archipelagoes
of misery, unrelieved by a smidgeon of hope,
the gossamer excuses of the pirates
in charge (colossal rapscallions who can’t be stopped
by exegesis nor exorcism as they hold
steely claws to our carotids), rings
as false as the famed Crystal Skull
of Meso-American fame. They don’t give a banana
for our fate – we are as innocent manatees
amid the blades of their powerboats, as they
endorphin through our savings, our lives.
The ramifications of this? Apprentice yourself
to a smith or weaver – bandanas will have
more value than bonds. Caveat investor.

Catherine McGuire is a writer and artist with more than 120 poems published in venues such as The New Verse News, The Cape Rock, Green Fuse, The Quizzical Chair Anthology, The Smoking Poet, Portland Lights Anthology, Folio, Tapjoe and Adagio.