Monday, January 03, 2011


by Anne Davies

2010 had little to recommend it
And not many partisans to defend it,
Except Speaker John and cheeky Mitch
Who thought it went without a hitch.

Even God felt less than matey,
Fire and brimstone pounded Haiti
Pakistan, in its aftermath,
Bore the brunt of Allah¹s wrath

Down south Big Oil earned the blame
When BP¹s rig went up in flame
Though many miners died entombed.
Coal mine profits cheerily zoomed.

Afghanistan stayed an open wound
Parties bickered, the debt ballooned
Democrats took a dreadful shellacking
Which finally got the President cracking.

Lame-duck session machination
Brought forth vital legislation
But with the Republicans ascendant
Obama, alas, must be dependent

On bipartisanship and good will
Currently absent from Capital Hill.
Does the Tea Party really want to nix
All progress since 1776?

Despite grim evidence empirical
I¹m hoping for a political miracle.

Anne Davies is a fund-raising writer by profession and a writer and versifier by avocation. Her work has been published in local and regional papers. She lives in Lexington, Massachusetts.