Tuesday, February 01, 2011


by Ngoma

she claimed
we were facing the end of the world
so she was having her impregnated eggs frozen
later there would be grandscicles
besides being a christian
abortion would be against
the holy babble
her soul hadn't written
reproduction in the contract
nor could she remember the clause
about being present for armageddon
egypt,tunisia and cote d'ivoire were exploding
as she wondered if the winds of change
might blow west and ignite a spark
the belly of this beast
surely needs a change
vomiting petrol into the ocean
paranoid that the troops may learn
their lives are being sacrificed
for opium and oil
or that terrorism is a figment of the
emperors imagination
the real terror
is at home shooting kids
and government officials
war is profitable

the canon of academia
trades degrees for souls
selling incoherent babble
with outstanding student loans
while the planet is starving
for food with seeds
the right to grow food
is being seized
virtual matrix from fingertips
on keys
human connections
being missed
breast milk stolen
babies nutritionally deficit
trying to grow trees
in barren soil

seems like the emperor
has no clothes
soon we will see
if he has a soul

Ngoma is a performance poet, multi-instrumentalist, singer/songwriter and paradigm shifter, who for over 40 years has used culture as a tool to raise sociopolitical and spiritual consciousness through work that encourages critical thought.Poetry  published in African Voices Magazine, Long Shot Anthology, The Underwood Review, Signifyin' Harlem Review and 'bum Rush The Page/Def Poetry Jam Anthology& Poems On The Road To Peace and Let Loose On the World: Celebrating Amiri Baraka at 75. He was featured in the PBS Spoken Word Documentary, "The Apro-Poets" with Allen Ginsberg. Ngoma has hosted the slam at the Dr. Martin Luther King Festival of Social and Environmental Justice at Yale University for the past 14 years.  His latest C.D. State of Emergency: The Essential Ngoma is a 2 Disc "best of" compilation available on CDBaby.com and iTunes.