Thursday, March 03, 2011


by Michael Monroe

“God hates fags” they say.
If God’s hands of love
are reaching across the world,
they must be the splinters in those hands,
testing the bounds of the First Amendment
like flightless birds
testing the air in a hurricane.
The Supreme Court justices
must’ve been pulling their collective hair
out in clumps on this one:
Say yay and the country hates you.
Say nay and the Constitution crumbles
all because of a handful of bad apples.
The best thing to do is toss them aside
and search for the edible ones.

Michael Monroe's work has been or will be published in Gargoyle Magazine, Struggle, The Blue Collar Review, The Loch Raven Review, Manorborn, and various other publications.  His poems have also previously appeared in The New Verse News. Two of his poems were recorded on the Words on War CD produced by Birdhouse Studios and he often does poetry readings with Gimme Shelter Productions to raise money for the homeless in Baltimore.
