Friday, March 11, 2011


by Michael Monroe

Charlie Sheen is exploding
across the front page news:
His eyes landed somewhere near
John Boehner, who’s calling fowl,
threatening shutdowns,
a tear dripping down his tan cheek.
His arms and legs landed on the ground
in front of Scott Walker
who threw them into a wastebasket,
thinking they belonged
to some disgruntled teacher.
His torso landed next to
the protesters in Libya,
who are looking on with confusion
at the drug-drenched blood,
wondering what it’s doing there
during their battle for democracy.
And his brain landed somewhere
near Moammar Gadhafi,
who’s looking on with confusion
at nothing in particular.

Michael Monroe's work has been or will be published in Gargoyle Magazine, Struggle, The Blue Collar Review, The Loch Raven Review, Manorborn, and various other publications.  His poems have also previously appeared in The New Verse News. Two of his poems were recorded on the Words on War CD produced by Birdhouse Studios and he often does poetry readings with Gimme Shelter Productions to raise money for the homeless in Baltimore.