Thursday, April 07, 2011


by Lucille Gang Shulklapper

Like the tanned giant of Tea Party fame
With tears awash from coast to coast
Here at our oil-washed shores shall boast
The mighty rich who pay no tax and frame
The old and frail, the sick and poor by name
Parent of Rape and Incest.  In his poker hand
Lies bluff so real; he speaks in tongues to command
the end of EPA, NPR, that civil rights union game.
"Keep trickle down, cut it or shut it"  cries he,
With his cup of tea.  "Give me your gays, your middle class to bash
Your police and firemen picking money from the government's tree
They think they're in Congress with our benefits and cash
Send your teachers, hungry children , and budget cuts to me,
I lift my arms, no rebuts, and fill the land with party trash.

Author of four poetry chapbooks, Lucille Gang Shulklapper’s poems and fiction appear in many literary journals, including this one. 