Thursday, April 28, 2011


by Quinton Hallett

You’ll enter and leave, like snowflakes,
quickly, primed from birth for cameo.
When subjects bruise or blight your startled mirror
in violation of genuflect and royal perk,
run fast or that old hyperbole,
prefabricated awe,
will snag your purple hem on its rush
down the ravenous royal drain.

Quinton Hallett writes and edits from Noti, Oregon. She is the author of three chapbooks, founder of Fern Rock Falls Press, and her work has appeared in numerous journals and anthologies including: Windfall, hipfish, Writing our Way out of the Dark, la fovea, Four and Twenty, Tiger's Eye, The Medulla Review, and Original Weather, a Collection of Art and Poems. Active in the Oregon State Poetry Association, she coordinates poet visits to a rural high school. Her most recent collection is Refuge from Flux (Finishing Line Press, 2010).