Tuesday, July 05, 2011


by Tom Karlson

can not sting
nor gather pollen
like that other free flier
has no ovipositor,
can not lay eggs,
will not keep the hive in order
this drone will join with 200 brothers
all looking for a queen to mate
a one minute fly-by-and-die
to father the new hive…
that fertilize crops
and sweetens our lives

the other drone stings
is not an onomatopoeia
it searches
not for mates
but for un-Americans
an airborne judge, jury, and hangman
enemy producer
a collateral damage inducer
widow taker
orphan maker
a one minute fly-by-and-die
to destroy the new hive…
waging class war
keeping profits high

Tom Karlson is founder of Poets for Peace, Long Island, NY.
