Wednesday, August 17, 2011


by David Radavich

Get government off our backs.

Cut it off at the knees,
make it heel like the rest of us,
faceless and undeserving.

Let it knock at the door
and beg for food.

Let it wander in search
of education and health care

like a true American
who will never get old before
using up every last cent.

Let the stars pay their share
of the lighting bill

and the moon ante up for
damages from all those waves.

The free ride is over.

Let the earth pave
its own roads and trees fall
like Afghan soldiers.

We’re the true victims
who whine like wolves.

David Radavich's new book of poems Middle-East Mezze (Plain View Press, 2011) focuses on Iraq, Palestine, and Egypt. Previous poetry publications include Canonicals: Love's Hours (Finishing Line, 2009),  America Bound: An Epic for Our Time (Plain View Press, 2007), Slain Species (Court Poetry Press, London), By the Way (Buttonwood Press, 1998), and Greatest Hits (Pudding House Press, 2000). His plays have been performed across the U.S. and abroad, including five Off-Off-Broadway productions. He also enjoys writing essays on poetry, drama, and contemporary issues.