Tuesday, November 01, 2011


by Scarlett Cerna

In the early dying season
fleets of people occupy
Wall Street, to unveil its treason.
The fat cats ate the apple-pie
in the sky,
yet they deny
with no regard for reason.

The people see a sign
that reads, Democracy for Sale,
Sold Out. Bail-out rinds left behind
by the swine, in beat-up pails,
rotten sweet,
perfumed with deet,
are the scraps reserved for the jails.

Stockyards filled with those who dare
to shed their blindfolds and contest
corporate greed. Life is not fair
for the 99%.
The rest feast.
Let’s starve the beast.
We the people are not content.
Scarlett Cerna is a graduate student at the University of Northern Iowa