Thursday, November 03, 2011


by Darrell Petska

MADISON, Wis. -- State lawmakers in both chambers of the Legislature were working furiously on Thursday to draft measures outlining policies whether to allow concealed weapons in various parts of the state Capitol.

Dairy lawmakers [lol] may soon allow
concealed cattle prods
in both legislative barns
and adjoining holding pens.

Dairy's recent politics [lol]
could portend a blistering
exchange of prodfire in Money
Magazine's darling Dairy capital.

Are weapons in the statehouse
barns the best the wise [lol] lawmakers
can do to help backsliding Dairy
raise more than eyebrows?

But hey, yah, you betcha, if cattle prods
or guns or knives are part of the holy
plan [rofl] for more work and jobs, then
spare the cheese and pass the ammo!

Darrell Petska, writing from Madison, Wisconsin, is a freelance editor in adult education who previously worked as a mental health caseworker, nursing home evaluator, and university editor. Past or forthcoming publications include Modern Haiku, Verse Wisconsin, and others.