Wednesday, January 25, 2012


by Kim Doyle

The big questions are, admittedly,
hard to face.  It’s easier to twitter, to iPad,
or wonder if one has enough Facebook friends.

What was written on your “wall” today?
Technology lends itself to calculated
thinking on the right side of the brain -
which lends itself to "final solutions."

Social networking is a shadow of the real thing.
The emphasis on caring in its biggest sense
is lost - caring for those who reveal the world
in all its multiple, mind piercing satisfactions -
caring for the essential business of being-ness.
How should I live the engaged life?  It is a planet
filled with war and blood and ill-starred sacrifice.
The big questions have no traction.
In-authenticity is rife - the ending of a life
causes no ripples, quietness has no magnetism.
Loving the earth as oneself is just another
ecological faction.

Kim Doyle writes Op/Ed poems for The Brunswick Citizen in Brunswick, Maryland.