Thursday, January 19, 2012


by Jon Wesick

NVN Editor’s Note: This video accompanying Jon Wesick's prose poem was created by David Holmes and other journalism students at Jay Rosen's NYU's Studio 20 as part of their collaboration with to build better explanations of progressive issues.

A few years ago Congress fracked over the American public by exempting hydraulic fracking from the Safe Drinking Water Act. Typical for corrupt politicians to sell us out to greedy corporations that don’t give a frack whether we get cancer from drinking poisoned water as long as there’s a quick buck to be made. I have one thing to say to the motherfrackers who voted for this obscenity. Take a flying frack at a rolling donut.

Host of the Gelato Poetry Series, instigator of the San Diego Poetry Un-Slam, and an editor of the San Diego Poetry Annual, Jon Wesick has published over two hundred poems in journals such as the The New Verse News, New Orphic Review, Pearl, Pudding, and Slipstream. He has also published forty short stories. Jon has a Ph.D. in physics and is a longtime student of Buddhism and the martial arts. One of his poems won second place in the 2007 African American Writers and Artists contest.