Sunday, March 18, 2012


by Daniel Wilcox

“Jesus rules the wind. The tornadoes were his.” --John Piper

Check(er) it out:
Pastor John (not the Baptist)
Drowns us again
Like he did last year
With his ‘God did it’ claims on the tidal wave—
To hell with drowned Japanese
(My paraphrase).

Last week, again
He Pipe(r)s up from
Bethlehem Baptist Church
On the cause of the 90 tornadoes
Which slaughtered 38—
(‘Twist and shout!”)
That tragic destruction is from Jesus.
Including the dying babe
Found in the cornfield
Not in the manger?

How twisted of it all--damnation
Across the Midwest
Because of the crossness of our Father;
Yes, God’s raking
His “fierce fingers” over,*
Virgin land,
Soiling all hope
Of God’s love
For us.
(‘Not blowin’ in the wind’)

Belt it out!
What a sick, twisted,

Daniel Wilcox's wandering lines have appeared in many magazines including The Danforth Review, The Camel Saloon, Word Riot, and Unlikely Stories. Before that he through Cal State University Long Beach (Creative Writing), Montana, Pennsylvania, Europe, Palestine/Israel . . .. He now lives with his wife on the central coast of California where he ages.