Thursday, May 10, 2012


by Erren Geraud Kelly

the dead can't speak
for themselves
so, i'll speak for
if one thing don't kill
something else will
that's why i don't stress
when i walk the streets now
no matter how you live your life
people are gonna hate
no matter who i love
people are gonna hate
no matter what i write
people are gonna hate
live like a thug
die like a thug
haters are gonna hate

i could wear a three piece suit
and get looked at
no differently
than if i wore
hoodies, jeans and sneakers

another black male
is swept under the rug
another dead nigger
to you

i once heard a black woman
in a coffeehouse telling
her white girlfriend
if their were more
black men of quality
she would date them
she said, she didn't date
white guys by choice

she considered herself
"selectively lesbian"
and only chose to be
if a guy was worthy
rap videos brag about
how to murder someone
we talk without talking
by text message
snooki from the tv show
jersey shore gets a book deal
even as she admitted
she only read two books
in her life
(dr. seuss must've been a challenge)
and eminem brags that it's cool to be stupid

if most black males aren't
pulling the trigger of a gun
they'll be looking down the barrel
of one

and it's no different for black men
in 2012, then it was in 1912
you walk the streets with a target
on your back

trayvon martin replaces emmett till
as the poster child
for america's hate
in obama's post racial
but we all know racism
doesn't exist anymore !

we "we are the worlded it"
and "kum bay yaahed" it into
oblivion years ago...

but the more things change
they more people fall victim
to cliches

and a cliche is a cliche
because it's true

but why should i write another
race poem?

it doesn't exist...

Erren Geraud Kelly is a poet based in New York City, by way of Louisiana, by way of Maine, by way of California and so on. He has been writing for twenty-one years and has over three dozen publications in print and online in such publications as Hiram Poetry Review, Mudfish, and His most recent publication was in In Our Own Words, a Generation X poetry anthology. He received a B.A. in English-Creative Writing from Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge.