Saturday, June 23, 2012


by E. F. Schraeder

I have wiped white kitchen counters and chubby young faces,
watered plants, sung about love, and bent to scrape

thick black grease off a grill.

I've talked about books, ideas;

signed loans that hoped books changed things,
but learned I have plenty in common

with Lot’s wife.
I exercised restraint (like not buying

new jeans) and compassion
(like checks to good causes);

and have eaten and been hungry.
But I have never lied nor valued it,

not really, not like when
I don’t have it at all.

E.F. Schraeder's poems have appeared or are forthcoming at Haz Mat Review, Five Poetry, Corvus Magazine, New Verse News, and other journals.  She is currently working on a new manuscript of poems.